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Monday, 25th March 2024

Notice of Proposed Variation (No. 2) to the Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027

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Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 13 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) that Louth County Council proposes to make a Variation (Variation No. 2) to the Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027.

The reason for this proposed Variation is:

  1. To update the Louth County Development Plan to take account of the Section 28 Guidelines ‘Sustainable Residential Development and Compact Settlements Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ issued by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Section 28 provides that planning authorities shall have regard to Ministerial Guidelines and shall apply any specific planning policy requirements (SPPRs) of the Guidelines, within the meaning of Section 28 (1C) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), in the performance of their functions.

Proposed Variation No. 2 of the Louth County Development Plan 2021-2027 is accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report and associated SEA Screening Determination, prepared in accordance with the Planning & Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 (as amended). Proposed Variation No. 2 is also accompanied by an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report and associated AA Screening Determination prepared in accordance with Part XAB of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended). 

A copy of proposed Variation No. 2 of the Louth County Development Plan
2021-2027 (and associated SEA and AA Screening documents) will be available for inspection, from Wednesday 27th March 2024 until 4pm on Friday 26th April 2024, at the following locations: 

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Louth County Council’s online consultation portal:

Louth County Council Customer Service Counters:

  • County Hall, Millennium Centre, St. Alphonsus Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 KFW6
  • Civic Offices, Fair Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 P440
  • Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 W20C
  • Mid Louth Civic Services Centre, Fairgreen, Ardee, Co. Louth A92 RYT2

Louth County Council Libraries (during their respective opening hours)

Making a Submission/Observation

Written submissions or observations regarding the proposed Variation No. 2 (and associated SEA and AA Screening documents), can be made between Wednesday 27th March 2024 until 4pm on Friday 26th April 2024, in one of the following forms:


  • In writing to the Forward Planning Section, Louth County Council, Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth A91 W20C

When making a submission/observation please note the following:

  • Submissions/Observations should be clearly marked ‘Variation No. 2
  • Submissions/Observations should be made in one format only i.e. online or in writing.
  • Submissions/Observations will be made available on the Council’s website within 10 days of their receipt (personal details should be provided on a separate page).
  • Children or groups or associations representing the interests of children are entitled to make submissions/observations.

Louth County Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts (as amended). If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for its sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material will, in response to FOI requests, be examined in light of exemptions provided for in the FOI Act.

Louth County Council is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act (as amended) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In order to assist us in complying with Data Protection and GDPR please include your name and contact details on a separate sheet to the content of your submission/observation.

Any written submissions or observations in respect of the proposed Variation No. 2 (and associated SEA and AA Screening documents) received within the timeframe, will be taken into consideration before the making of Variation No. 2. 

Please note that late submissions cannot be accepted.


Queries relating to Variation No. 2 can be directed to

Thomas McEvoy
Director of Services
Strategic Economic Development


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