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Friday, 29th September 2023

New text service launched to report criminal and anti-social behaviour in Drogheda

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Pictured at the launch of the new Text Service See Something, Say Something which people can useto report report anti-social or suspicious behaviour. were (from left): Superintendent Andrew Watters, Michael Keogh of the Drogheda Implementation Board, Chief Superintendent Alan McGovern and Inspector Declan Monaghan. Photo: Andy Spearman.

Earlier today, Friday 29th September, a confidential text alert service to allow residents and visitors to  instantly report incidents of anti-social or suspicious behaviour to Gardaí was launched in Drogheda.

As of October 1st, members of the public can use the service, it’s called ‘See Something Say Something’, to report anti-social or suspicious behaviour anonymously and for free by texting DROGHEDA to 50555.  

Originally developed in County Kerry the ‘See Something Say Something’ system was listed as an action in the Drogheda Report Implementation Plan and is one of many community engagement responses being delivered by An Garda Siochána and Drogheda Implementation Board partners, including the Ask for Angela initiative launched in December 2022 which has proved very succcesful. 

Speaking at the launch Chief Superintendent Alan McGovern of the Louth Monaghan Cavan Division said: 

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“Community safety is about people feeling safe in their community and connected to An Garda Siochána. See Something Say Something is a simple system that will allow people to report anti-social behaviour that is impacting them or their locality confidentially to us. 

While this system does not and should not replace dialling 999 or 112 in the event of an emergency or urgent response it is a tool to allow us hear directly from the community and help ensure Drogheda is a safe place for people to live, work and visit. 

The team in Drogheda Division have been working hard, with support from An Garda Siochána national office and Drogheda Implementation Board, to secure this service for this town and I am delighted to be launching it here today.” 

Michael Keogh, Chair of Drogheda Implementation Board stated: 

“See Something Say Something is an identified action in the Drogheda Report Implementation Plan and has been a priority for Drogheda Implementation Board. It will assist the community of Drogheda in feeling connected to An Garda Siochána and empowered to report issues that they see in their area. I commend Chief Superintendent McGovern, Superintendent Watters and their team in Drogheda for continuing to bring community engagement initiatives such as this to fruition in Drogheda.” 

See Something Say Something is not a system for reporting incidents that require immediate and urgent response by An Garda Siochána, however it is a simple and effective way to report issues that are effecting you and your area. 

The Chairperson of the Drogheda Joint Policing Committee, Cllr. James Byrne, said he was glad that this new initiative, which he had proposed three year ago to introduce an anonymous text messaging service for the reporting of anti-social behaviour to Gardaí will finally be up and running from October 1st. 

“I would like to encourage the public to use this service to engage with and support the Gardai. All you have to do is text DROGHEDA with the incident location and details to 50555. It’s free and confidential. Your number will be scrambled on receipt of the message so no one will know it was you who made contact. 

It doesn’t replace the need to call 999 or 112 for more serious criminal matters or anything that requires an immediate response but it can inform the community policing plan for Drogheda.

Closing the launch event, Superintendent Andrew Watters said: “We are asking people in Drogheda when they see something, to say something, by texting DROGHEDA and the incident details to 50555.  Don’t assume someone else will report it, take out your phone, describe what you have seen and text the details, for free, to 50555, we want to hear from you.”


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