Councillor Stephen McKee.
Fianna Fáil Councillor Stephen McKee has had a motion adopted by the local Municipal District calling for the Department of Education to make provision for a new Secondary School in Duleek.
“With the opening in recent years of our new Boys and Girls National Schools in Duleek, the community believe we need to continue to press for a Secondary School for the area. With over 700 pupils attending Duleek National Schools, there is certainly a strong case for it based on numbers.
“There are over 5,000 residents in the Parish of Duleek/Bellewstown alone, with a number of potential feeder primary-schools including Duleek, Bellewstown, Donore, Mount Hanover, Knockcommon, Julianstown and Cushinstown. There is also Parish land available close to the centre of Duleek on which to build.
“The case has been made in the last few years for a Secondary School for Duleek but to no avail. As someone with extensive experience in Education as a Secondary School Teacher, a focus of my election campaign is to continue the fight for greater educational provision and resources for the area.
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“This includes a new Secondary School for Duleek which would be hugely beneficial, not just for local children and their families, but also for the social and economic life of Duleek and its environs.
“I tabled this motion in order to again highlight this issue and to keep the pressure on the Minister for Education and her Department to deliver what is needed for our area”.