The Draft Duleek Heritage-Led Regeneration Plan is now available to view at
East Meath Fianna Fáil Councillor, Stephen McKee, is encouraging local people to have their say on the new Heritage-led Regeneration Plan for Duleek which has now gone on Public Display for observations and submissions from members of the public.
The Draft Duleek Heritage-Led Regeneration Plan is now available to view on Meath County Council’s online consultation at and also in hard copy from the Council Offices in Duleek.
Cllr. McKee said he is pleased that the Heritage-led Regeneration Plan by Sheridan Woods Architects and Urban Planners is now on Public Display.
“I have been calling for a Public Realm Plan for Duleek for quite some time to progress the development of public infrastructure and the enhancement and improvement to the quality of life for Duleek residents” he said. “This is the start of what hopefully will be a larger investment of public money into Duleek.”
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‘It is clear to me that we need a co-ordinated approach to develop public infrastructure in Duleek, improve the environment for local business and enhance the quality of life for local residents. It will be important that adequate funding is provided to ensure that the agreed Public Realm Plan can be fully funded and that the work is fully carried out.
“How we manage traffic and road safety in Duleek is one major issue that needs to be addressed in this Plan. There are just far too many HGV's coming through the village. Long-term, the Bypass is critical.
“I look forward to public engagement on the new Public Realm Plan being presented and more importantly, being implemented for the benefit of Duleek residents.
“The local community value the potential of a Heritage-Led Regeneration Plan for Duleek, and the opportunity that it presents to identify key projects that the community can work towards to achieve, in collaboration with Meath County Council and other public and private stakeholders” continued McKee.
“Submissions can be made on the Draft Plan at or in writing to the Planning Department, Meath County Council, Navan, County Meath. Observations or submissions must include the full name and address of the person(s) making the submission. Submissions that are emailed cannot be considered and will be returned. Observations or submissions must be received by 5 pm on Monday the 9th December 2024’ concluded McKee.