Drogheda Allotments members have been growing their own fruit and veg since 2011.
The next event in the Louth Urban Food Sanctuary series will be hosted by Drogheda Community Allotments this Saturday 22nd June 2024.
The allotments were first launched in 2011 with the aim of learning more about local biodiversity and growing vegetables, keeping bees and generally experiencing the joy of being close to nature and the soil.
The community initiative is well placed to share the successes and the pitfalls of ‘growing your own’ with other community gardens and solo gardeners.
The event will start at 11am and run until around 1pm on the grounds of the allotments in Newtownstalaban, Drogheda, County Louth (beside Newtown Cross Cemetery).
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On the day growers can learn about composting at a workshop lead by Tracy Fitzpatrick, Climate Action Officer with Louth County Council who will share her tips and knowledge on how to get the best out of your compost all year round.
The workshop will also feature a guided tour of Drogheda Allotment lead by Tony Conaghy who will share the history of the allotments, the changes that have occurred and the improvements to the biodiversity over the past 13 years.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring along plants to swap with other growers.
‘Learning from Allotments’ will be open to the public and all are welcome to take part in this event. For more information about the Louth Urban Food Sanctuary Project, please visit www.louthurbanfoodsanctuary.com or email the project at creativeireland@louthcoco.ie for information or to sign up to the mailing list for regular project updates.
Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, this event promises to be an enriching experience for all.