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Tuesday, 14th May 2024

Boyne Fishermen want your empties so they can claim the Re-turn money

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BFRRS personnel at their botlle and can collection bin at the boathouse on the Marsh Road.

Since the Deposit Re-turn Scheme was launched on February 1st, over 100 million drinks containers have been returned. With an eye to availing of some of this money, the Boyne Fishermen's Rescue and Recovery Service have set up their own programme whereby people can donate their empties and they will collect the Re-turn money.

Like all good ideas, it’s remarkably simple. Just bring your empty cans and bottles to the newly installed bin at the BFRRS boathouse on the Marsh Road Road and they will collect the return money to help them continue with their work of saving lives.

“We want to put your Re-Turn items to work!” said a BFRRS spokesperson. You can now donate your Re-Turns to our boathouse OR we will come to you to collect!

“All donations will be processed within the Re-Turns programme and funds raised shall go towards our life saving, front line services.

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“For added convenience, if you would prefer our team cancollect any large quantities from your home or business, please fill in the following form; 


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